Butte County, CA

Latest Property Taxes

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The top four largest cities in Butte County are Chico, Marysville, Oroville, and Paradise. Property Taxes on this page vary by ZIP Code but the county average is a great approximation. Below are the averages as well as more granulated Tax tables at the ZIP Code level.

How does Butte County compare?

Butte County (0.70%) has a 1.4% lower Property Tax Rate than the average of California (0.71%).

Butte County is rank 32nd out of 58 counties. This means the Property Tax Rate are lower than 31 other counties. Butte County is the 27th cheapest county in terms of Property Tax Rate.

Tax Tables Butte County, CA

Average Property Taxes

Property Tax Rate
Property Value
Property Tax

Property Taxes (By Zip Code)

ZipCode Property Tax Rate Property Value Property Tax
95901 0.71% $328,800 $2,329
95914 0.44% $378,800 $1,685
95916 0.63% $229,800 $1,439
95917 0.71% $292,200 $2,063
95926 0.67% $433,500 $2,892
95928 0.75% $451,600 $3,380
95929 0.00% $-666,666,666 $-666,666,666
95930 0.00% $-666,666,666 $-666,666,666
95938 0.66% $543,700 $3,586
95941 0.85% $259,800 $2,196
95942 0.80% $482,400 $3,836
95948 0.72% $321,900 $2,317
95954 0.58% $247,900 $1,432
95958 0.00% $-666,666,666 $-666,666,666
95965 0.74% $258,500 $1,904
95966 0.68% $285,100 $1,927
95968 0.52% $119,400 $617
95969 0.74% $354,700 $2,615
95973 0.79% $464,400 $3,665
95974 0.00% $-666,666,666 $-666,666,666
95978 0.00% $-666,666,666 $-666,666,666

Property Taxes on this page apply to the following cities in Butte County, California: Chico, Marysville, Oroville, Paradise, Magalia, Gridley, Durham, Biggs, Palermo, Forest Ranch, Berry Creek, Bangor, Nelson, Forbestown, Feather Falls, Clipper Mills, Richvale, and Stirling City.

These Property Taxes also apply to the following ZIP codes in Butte County, California: 95973, 95926, 95901, 95928, 95966, 95969, 95965, 95954, 95948, 95938, 95927, 95917, 95967, 95968, 95942, 95916, 95914, 95958, 95941, and 95940.

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Data Source

Census Seal

Cenus Data is published by the U.S. census.