Salt Lake County, UT

2024 Fair Market Rents

Tags: 2024 Salt Lake City, UT HUD Metro FMR Area

Return to the state page to see where Utah ranks nationally and to view information on other counties. Click on the map to view a different county.

The top four largest cities in Salt Lake County are Salt Lake City, South Jordan, West Jordan, and Draper. Fair Market Rents on this page may apply depending on whether the county uses SAFMRs or county level FMRs. Cities in multiple SAFMR areas will have different SAFMRS based on ZIP code.

What type of FMR does Salt Lake County use?

Small Area Fair Market Rents were created by the HUD for this county/Metro Fmr Area however Salt Lake County is not required to use Small Area FMRs by the HUD. It is at the discretion of the local Housing Authority to determine if SAFMRs or 40th percentile FMRs are used.

To learn more about the criteria the HUD uses to determine if a Metro FMR Area requires Small Area Fair Market Rents click here.

How does Salt Lake County compare?

Salt Lake County ($1,606) has a 43% higher FMR for 2-Bedroom housing than the average of Utah ($1,123) and therefore a higher gross rent.

Salt Lake County is rank 2nd out of 29 counties. This means the FMRs, or in other words, the gross rent is higher than 27 other counties. Salt Lake County is the 2nd most expensive county in terms of FMRs.

Rent Tables Salt Lake County, UT

Fair Market Rent (40th Percentile)


Median Rent (50th Percentile)


Small Market Areas (By Zip Code)

The 90% and 110% SAFMRs represent the minimum and maximum payment standards that can be set by the local Public Housing Authority under regular conditions. The payment standard is the actual value used in Section 8. For more on payment standards click here.

FMRs and SAFMRs are set by the HUD. The local PHA takes these FMR/SAFMR values and may decide to use any value that is within +-10% of the FMR/SAFMR as the payment standard for the areas under their jurisdiction.

For a more in-depth explaination return to the overview page.

ZipCode Studio 1-Bed 2-Bed 3-Bed 4-Bed
84116 $980 $1,170 $1,410 $1,900 $2,150
84020 $1,360 $1,600 $1,920 $2,590 $2,950
84006 $1,100 $1,310 $1,570 $2,120 $2,400
84009 $1,120 $1,340 $1,610 $2,170 $2,460
84020 $1,360 $1,600 $1,920 $2,590 $2,950
84044 $1,120 $1,340 $1,610 $2,170 $2,460
84047 $1,100 $1,310 $1,570 $2,120 $2,400
84065 $1,320 $1,570 $1,890 $2,550 $2,890
84070 $1,200 $1,430 $1,720 $2,320 $2,630
84081 $1,280 $1,530 $1,840 $2,480 $2,810
84084 $1,260 $1,510 $1,810 $2,440 $2,760
84088 $1,150 $1,370 $1,650 $2,230 $2,520
84090 $1,120 $1,340 $1,610 $2,170 $2,460
84091 $1,120 $1,340 $1,610 $2,170 $2,460
84092 $1,670 $2,000 $2,400 $3,240 $3,660
84093 $1,600 $1,910 $2,290 $3,090 $3,500
84094 $1,330 $1,590 $1,910 $2,580 $2,920
84095 $1,370 $1,640 $1,970 $2,660 $3,010
84096 $1,350 $1,620 $1,940 $2,620 $2,960
84101 $1,010 $1,210 $1,450 $1,960 $2,210
84102 $1,100 $1,320 $1,580 $2,130 $2,410
84103 $1,100 $1,310 $1,570 $2,120 $2,400
84104 $1,030 $1,220 $1,470 $1,980 $2,240
84105 $1,120 $1,330 $1,600 $2,160 $2,440
84106 $1,030 $1,230 $1,480 $2,000 $2,260
84107 $1,070 $1,280 $1,540 $2,080 $2,350
84108 $1,210 $1,440 $1,730 $2,330 $2,640
84109 $1,300 $1,550 $1,860 $2,510 $2,840
84110 $1,120 $1,340 $1,610 $2,170 $2,460
84111 $1,190 $1,420 $1,710 $2,310 $2,610
84112 $950 $1,140 $1,360 $1,860 $2,080
84113 $1,030 $1,220 $1,470 $1,980 $2,240
84114 $1,120 $1,340 $1,610 $2,170 $2,460
84115 $960 $1,140 $1,370 $1,860 $2,090
84116 $980 $1,170 $1,410 $1,900 $2,150
84117 $1,200 $1,430 $1,720 $2,320 $2,630
84118 $1,280 $1,530 $1,840 $2,480 $2,810
84119 $1,060 $1,270 $1,520 $2,050 $2,320
84120 $1,090 $1,300 $1,560 $2,110 $2,380
84121 $1,270 $1,520 $1,820 $2,460 $2,780
84122 $1,120 $1,340 $1,610 $2,170 $2,460
84123 $1,110 $1,320 $1,590 $2,150 $2,430
84124 $1,100 $1,320 $1,580 $2,130 $2,410
84125 $1,120 $1,340 $1,610 $2,170 $2,460
84126 $1,120 $1,340 $1,610 $2,170 $2,460
84127 $1,120 $1,340 $1,610 $2,170 $2,460
84128 $1,470 $1,750 $2,100 $2,830 $3,210
84129 $1,120 $1,340 $1,610 $2,170 $2,460
84133 $1,120 $1,340 $1,610 $2,170 $2,460
84134 $1,120 $1,340 $1,610 $2,170 $2,460
84138 $1,120 $1,340 $1,610 $2,170 $2,460
84150 $1,120 $1,340 $1,610 $2,170 $2,460
84151 $1,120 $1,340 $1,610 $2,170 $2,460
84152 $1,120 $1,340 $1,610 $2,170 $2,460
84157 $1,120 $1,340 $1,610 $2,170 $2,460
84158 $1,120 $1,340 $1,610 $2,170 $2,460
84165 $1,120 $1,340 $1,610 $2,170 $2,460
84170 $1,120 $1,340 $1,610 $2,170 $2,460
84171 $1,120 $1,340 $1,610 $2,170 $2,460
84180 $1,120 $1,340 $1,610 $2,170 $2,460
84199 $1,120 $1,340 $1,610 $2,170 $2,460
ZipCode Studio 1-Bed 2-Bed 3-Bed 4-Bed
84116 $882 $1,053 $1,269 $1,710 $1,935
84020 $1,224 $1,440 $1,728 $2,331 $2,655
84006 $990 $1,179 $1,413 $1,908 $2,160
84009 $1,008 $1,206 $1,449 $1,953 $2,214
84020 $1,224 $1,440 $1,728 $2,331 $2,655
84044 $1,008 $1,206 $1,449 $1,953 $2,214
84047 $990 $1,179 $1,413 $1,908 $2,160
84065 $1,188 $1,413 $1,701 $2,295 $2,601
84070 $1,080 $1,287 $1,548 $2,088 $2,367
84081 $1,152 $1,377 $1,656 $2,232 $2,529
84084 $1,134 $1,359 $1,629 $2,196 $2,484
84088 $1,035 $1,233 $1,485 $2,007 $2,268
84090 $1,008 $1,206 $1,449 $1,953 $2,214
84091 $1,008 $1,206 $1,449 $1,953 $2,214
84092 $1,503 $1,800 $2,160 $2,916 $3,294
84093 $1,440 $1,719 $2,061 $2,781 $3,150
84094 $1,197 $1,431 $1,719 $2,322 $2,628
84095 $1,233 $1,476 $1,773 $2,394 $2,709
84096 $1,215 $1,458 $1,746 $2,358 $2,664
84101 $909 $1,089 $1,305 $1,764 $1,989
84102 $990 $1,188 $1,422 $1,917 $2,169
84103 $990 $1,179 $1,413 $1,908 $2,160
84104 $927 $1,098 $1,323 $1,782 $2,016
84105 $1,008 $1,197 $1,440 $1,944 $2,196
84106 $927 $1,107 $1,332 $1,800 $2,034
84107 $963 $1,152 $1,386 $1,872 $2,115
84108 $1,089 $1,296 $1,557 $2,097 $2,376
84109 $1,170 $1,395 $1,674 $2,259 $2,556
84110 $1,008 $1,206 $1,449 $1,953 $2,214
84111 $1,071 $1,278 $1,539 $2,079 $2,349
84112 $855 $1,026 $1,224 $1,674 $1,872
84113 $927 $1,098 $1,323 $1,782 $2,016
84114 $1,008 $1,206 $1,449 $1,953 $2,214
84115 $864 $1,026 $1,233 $1,674 $1,881
84116 $882 $1,053 $1,269 $1,710 $1,935
84117 $1,080 $1,287 $1,548 $2,088 $2,367
84118 $1,152 $1,377 $1,656 $2,232 $2,529
84119 $954 $1,143 $1,368 $1,845 $2,088
84120 $981 $1,170 $1,404 $1,899 $2,142
84121 $1,143 $1,368 $1,638 $2,214 $2,502
84122 $1,008 $1,206 $1,449 $1,953 $2,214
84123 $999 $1,188 $1,431 $1,935 $2,187
84124 $990 $1,188 $1,422 $1,917 $2,169
84125 $1,008 $1,206 $1,449 $1,953 $2,214
84126 $1,008 $1,206 $1,449 $1,953 $2,214
84127 $1,008 $1,206 $1,449 $1,953 $2,214
84128 $1,323 $1,575 $1,890 $2,547 $2,889
84129 $1,008 $1,206 $1,449 $1,953 $2,214
84133 $1,008 $1,206 $1,449 $1,953 $2,214
84134 $1,008 $1,206 $1,449 $1,953 $2,214
84138 $1,008 $1,206 $1,449 $1,953 $2,214
84150 $1,008 $1,206 $1,449 $1,953 $2,214
84151 $1,008 $1,206 $1,449 $1,953 $2,214
84152 $1,008 $1,206 $1,449 $1,953 $2,214
84157 $1,008 $1,206 $1,449 $1,953 $2,214
84158 $1,008 $1,206 $1,449 $1,953 $2,214
84165 $1,008 $1,206 $1,449 $1,953 $2,214
84170 $1,008 $1,206 $1,449 $1,953 $2,214
84171 $1,008 $1,206 $1,449 $1,953 $2,214
84180 $1,008 $1,206 $1,449 $1,953 $2,214
84199 $1,008 $1,206 $1,449 $1,953 $2,214
ZipCode Studio 1-Bed 2-Bed 3-Bed 4-Bed
84116 $1,078 $1,287 $1,551 $2,090 $2,365
84020 $1,496 $1,760 $2,112 $2,849 $3,245
84006 $1,210 $1,441 $1,727 $2,332 $2,640
84009 $1,232 $1,474 $1,771 $2,387 $2,706
84020 $1,496 $1,760 $2,112 $2,849 $3,245
84044 $1,232 $1,474 $1,771 $2,387 $2,706
84047 $1,210 $1,441 $1,727 $2,332 $2,640
84065 $1,452 $1,727 $2,079 $2,805 $3,179
84070 $1,320 $1,573 $1,892 $2,552 $2,893
84081 $1,408 $1,683 $2,024 $2,728 $3,091
84084 $1,386 $1,661 $1,991 $2,684 $3,036
84088 $1,265 $1,507 $1,815 $2,453 $2,772
84090 $1,232 $1,474 $1,771 $2,387 $2,706
84091 $1,232 $1,474 $1,771 $2,387 $2,706
84092 $1,837 $2,200 $2,640 $3,564 $4,026
84093 $1,760 $2,101 $2,519 $3,399 $3,850
84094 $1,463 $1,749 $2,101 $2,838 $3,212
84095 $1,507 $1,804 $2,167 $2,926 $3,311
84096 $1,485 $1,782 $2,134 $2,882 $3,256
84101 $1,111 $1,331 $1,595 $2,156 $2,431
84102 $1,210 $1,452 $1,738 $2,343 $2,651
84103 $1,210 $1,441 $1,727 $2,332 $2,640
84104 $1,133 $1,342 $1,617 $2,178 $2,464
84105 $1,232 $1,463 $1,760 $2,376 $2,684
84106 $1,133 $1,353 $1,628 $2,200 $2,486
84107 $1,177 $1,408 $1,694 $2,288 $2,585
84108 $1,331 $1,584 $1,903 $2,563 $2,904
84109 $1,430 $1,705 $2,046 $2,761 $3,124
84110 $1,232 $1,474 $1,771 $2,387 $2,706
84111 $1,309 $1,562 $1,881 $2,541 $2,871
84112 $1,045 $1,254 $1,496 $2,046 $2,288
84113 $1,133 $1,342 $1,617 $2,178 $2,464
84114 $1,232 $1,474 $1,771 $2,387 $2,706
84115 $1,056 $1,254 $1,507 $2,046 $2,299
84116 $1,078 $1,287 $1,551 $2,090 $2,365
84117 $1,320 $1,573 $1,892 $2,552 $2,893
84118 $1,408 $1,683 $2,024 $2,728 $3,091
84119 $1,166 $1,397 $1,672 $2,255 $2,552
84120 $1,199 $1,430 $1,716 $2,321 $2,618
84121 $1,397 $1,672 $2,002 $2,706 $3,058
84122 $1,232 $1,474 $1,771 $2,387 $2,706
84123 $1,221 $1,452 $1,749 $2,365 $2,673
84124 $1,210 $1,452 $1,738 $2,343 $2,651
84125 $1,232 $1,474 $1,771 $2,387 $2,706
84126 $1,232 $1,474 $1,771 $2,387 $2,706
84127 $1,232 $1,474 $1,771 $2,387 $2,706
84128 $1,617 $1,925 $2,310 $3,113 $3,531
84129 $1,232 $1,474 $1,771 $2,387 $2,706
84133 $1,232 $1,474 $1,771 $2,387 $2,706
84134 $1,232 $1,474 $1,771 $2,387 $2,706
84138 $1,232 $1,474 $1,771 $2,387 $2,706
84150 $1,232 $1,474 $1,771 $2,387 $2,706
84151 $1,232 $1,474 $1,771 $2,387 $2,706
84152 $1,232 $1,474 $1,771 $2,387 $2,706
84157 $1,232 $1,474 $1,771 $2,387 $2,706
84158 $1,232 $1,474 $1,771 $2,387 $2,706
84165 $1,232 $1,474 $1,771 $2,387 $2,706
84170 $1,232 $1,474 $1,771 $2,387 $2,706
84171 $1,232 $1,474 $1,771 $2,387 $2,706
84180 $1,232 $1,474 $1,771 $2,387 $2,706
84199 $1,232 $1,474 $1,771 $2,387 $2,706

Fair Market Rents on this page apply to the following cities in Salt Lake County, Utah: Salt Lake City, South Jordan, West Jordan, Draper, Riverton, Midvale, Sandy, Herriman, Magna, Bingham Canyon, and .

These Fair Market Rents also apply to the following ZIP codes in Salt Lake County, Utah: 84118, 84119, 84095, 84120, 84084, 84121, 84088, 84123, 84020, 84065, 84116, 84106, 84047, 84092, 84107, 84128, 84094, 84096, 84044, and 84081.

Salt Lake County, UT is considered part of the following metro FMR area: SALT LAKE CITY, UT HUD METRO FMR AREA.

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Data Source

HUD Seal

Fair Market Rents are published by the Department of Housing And Urban Development.